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ArtSpots smartphone app with StreetArt background

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Art in ArtSpots

StreetArt spotted by Baiba
Several on the same street #with Flower

Graffiti & Tags spotted by Ongo SF
Ongo stencil street art spray painted on balsa wood @ Rampant Wine Bar

Graffiti & Tags spotted by Ongo SF
Some mixed media (laser cut plywood + spray paint + wood glue) Ongo displayed next to Turner's Kitchen (@turnerskitchensf)

Graffiti & Tags spotted by Ongo SF
Ongosf street art stencil ft. Neighborhood friends

Graffiti & Tags spotted by Ongo SF
On display at Turner's Kitchen

Gallery spotted by Baiba
New expo. Embodying Archives.

ContemporaryArt spotted by cykadycz

StreetArt spotted by Cracc One

StreetArt spotted by Rad Icanto

StreetArt spotted by Baiba

Other location spotted by Baiba
#Little Library

Graffiti & Tags spotted by Baiba
#space invaders (the old style before Invader, French street artist...or replica...or work of his(?))

Graffiti & Tags spotted by Baiba
Music? 3D

StreetArt spotted by Tricky

StreetArt spotted by Cracc One

Graffiti & Tags spotted by Tricky

Graffiti & Tags spotted by Tricky

Graffiti & Tags spotted by Tricky

Gallery spotted by Eclipse_Harver
it feels like i can express myself fully

StreetArt spotted by Cracc One

StreetArt spotted by Cracc One

StreetArt spotted by Cracc One

StreetArt spotted by Noergreen

StreetArt spotted by vonSeiten
Portrait of a girl waiting for the tram. Still there. Vienna.

Graffiti & Tags spotted by Tricky

Graffiti & Tags spotted by Tricky

Graffiti & Tags spotted by Tricky

Graffiti & Tags spotted by Tricky

Graffiti & Tags spotted by Tricky

Graffiti & Tags spotted by Tricky

StreetArt spotted by Frédéric G.

StreetArt spotted by Frédéric G.

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ASP 02 S9 TransArtSpots ist ein non-profit Projekt und wird 100% durch die Community gestaltet. Wir haben ArtSpots entwickelt weil wir es lieben, Kunst zu entdecken und diese Entdeckungen mit anderen zu teilen. Die App enthält keine Werbung und wir verdienen kein Geld durch den Betrieb des Projekts. Deswegen bitten wir dich um deine Mithilfe!

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Falls du dazu Material brauchst gibt es hier ein Paket mit Bildern, Logo, Textblöcken und mehr, das du natürlich verenden kannst. 

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