Art in the ArtSpots App

ContemporaryArt! Sculpture from 2002 as a tribute to the more or less famous Ostend painter Spilliaert. It refers to his work 'Vertigo': by djietie on 06.11.2020 | #art #kunst #artspots

Architecture! Royal Gallery. Built around 1906 so that Leopold 2 and his guests could walk from the royal villa (villa with red roof on the left) to the Welington racecourse (on the right, not visible on this photo), sheltered from rain and wind. On top is a roof terrace. by djietie on 06.11.2020 | #art #kunst #artspots

HistoricArt! Leopold 2, our 2nd king. Built in 1931 to honor him as the liberator of the Congo and as a benefactor for the Ostend fishing population. Meanwhile controversial because of the colonial reign of terror in Congo at the time. In 2004 an action group saw off the 'grateful' Congolese (bottom left) as a protest against the atrocities during the colonization of Congo, such as the cutting off of hands. by djietie on 06.11.2020 | #art #kunst #artspots

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