"Saint Spraypaint" by The Awkward Party

Graffiti is a religion. One with its own unwritten rules and hierarchy. People live and breathe these codes. Their desire to be immortalized on walls and trains. I WAS HERE, and I always will be. All sinners in the eyes of society, all saints in their own world.Saint Spraypaint is the embodiment of the graffiti god. The graffiti legends we look up to. Who is behind the mask? St. Spraypaint is part of the installation work All Sinners / All Saints. An altar made for the biggest graffiti festival in the Netherlands "Step In The Arena" that is held at the Mecca of Dutch graffiti spots, de Berenkuil Eindhoven. Every year people from all over the world visit this spot like a pilgrimage, to paint and leave their mark.

You can buy a "Saint Spraypaint" sculpture now via supersicko art gallery: https://supersicko.xyz/products/the-awkward-party-saint-spraypaint

Feat. also works by street artists Mathieu Tremblin, Vladimir Turner - and OX coming soon...


submitted by /u/Happy_Till_281
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"Saint Spraypaint" by The Awkward Party

Graffiti is a religion. One with its own unwritten rules and hierarchy. People live and breathe these codes. Their desire to be immortalized on walls and trains. I WAS HERE, and I always will be. All sinners in the eyes of society, all saints in their own world.Saint Spraypaint is the embodiment of the graffiti god. The graffiti legends we look up to. Who is behind the mask? St. Spraypaint is part of the installation work All Sinners / All Saints. An altar made for the biggest graffiti festival in the Netherlands "Step In The Arena" that is held at the Mecca of Dutch graffiti spots, de Berenkuil Eindhoven. Every year people from all over the world visit this spot like a pilgrimage, to paint and leave their mark.

You can buy a "Saint Spraypaint" sculpture now via supersicko art gallery: https://supersicko.xyz/products/the-awkward-party-saint-spraypaint

Feat. also works by street artists Mathieu Tremblin, Vladimir Turner - and OX coming soon...


submitted by /u/Happy_Till_281
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