As title says, I need walls. Because of my job, I can do only legal pieces. (Company associated with local government, and will be a massive drama if I am caught)

What I’ve tried and looked at so far: Legal sites. Have a few of those in a city but it is one of two scenarios. It either has some really nice pieces, and my arm won’t raise to paint over them, or the site will get trashed and everything capped by kids within a fortnight. And it can take me more then one weekend to finish.

Shop/industrial building/abandoned buildings: tried contacting owners, to see if the can allow me to paint. Usually say something like: “paints on me, will look better then now, you do not have to do a thing just a permission” but... trying to get permission for graff seems next to impossible so far, will keep trying.

Using doors/scrap construction materials to make my own “wall” at backyard - thinking on it, but not with a car I got atm.

Couple practise pieces I’ve done so far (not really a “writer”):

So.. maybe I missed something or need a different approach? Any suggestions welcomed.

submitted by /u/Local_Pianist905
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As title says, I need walls. Because of my job, I can do only legal pieces. (Company associated with local government, and will be a massive drama if I am caught)

What I’ve tried and looked at so far: Legal sites. Have a few of those in a city but it is one of two scenarios. It either has some really nice pieces, and my arm won’t raise to paint over them, or the site will get trashed and everything capped by kids within a fortnight. And it can take me more then one weekend to finish.

Shop/industrial building/abandoned buildings: tried contacting owners, to see if the can allow me to paint. Usually say something like: “paints on me, will look better then now, you do not have to do a thing just a permission” but... trying to get permission for graff seems next to impossible so far, will keep trying.

Using doors/scrap construction materials to make my own “wall” at backyard - thinking on it, but not with a car I got atm.

Couple practise pieces I’ve done so far (not really a “writer”):

So.. maybe I missed something or need a different approach? Any suggestions welcomed.

submitted by /u/Local_Pianist905
[link] [comments]

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