I'm painting a mural at an animal shelter. It is a corridor, nine metres long. They first showed me the space on october 16, I didnt expect such a huge wall. I sketched something on it right away and started painting the wall 6 days later (had to sand the wall a bit and put down primer). Now after 8 more days I have the full colour background, sketched the details in with chalk and am going in with the details, but it will take a while. It is a birds eye view of the river basin with the shelter in the middle, so I have a lot of trees and details to add. What doesn't help is that the corridor is quite narrow but always in use so I never paint alone in peace, that makes me slower.

I'm getting there at 9am and leaving around 6 usually, although I also help them walk their dogs in between. But I always put a lot of pressure on myself and I am wondering how long is reasonable to take for a project this big. I'm sort of making it up as I go and I'm very nervous about it all, so not worrying about time would help. I've been showing up later in the day the past couple days and I'm worrying that it makes me look bad or like I dont have good work ethic.

submitted by /u/DidntWeAll
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I'm painting a mural at an animal shelter. It is a corridor, nine metres long. They first showed me the space on october 16, I didnt expect such a huge wall. I sketched something on it right away and started painting the wall 6 days later (had to sand the wall a bit and put down primer). Now after 8 more days I have the full colour background, sketched the details in with chalk and am going in with the details, but it will take a while. It is a birds eye view of the river basin with the shelter in the middle, so I have a lot of trees and details to add. What doesn't help is that the corridor is quite narrow but always in use so I never paint alone in peace, that makes me slower.

I'm getting there at 9am and leaving around 6 usually, although I also help them walk their dogs in between. But I always put a lot of pressure on myself and I am wondering how long is reasonable to take for a project this big. I'm sort of making it up as I go and I'm very nervous about it all, so not worrying about time would help. I've been showing up later in the day the past couple days and I'm worrying that it makes me look bad or like I dont have good work ethic.

submitted by /u/DidntWeAll
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