Spring is here and this would be my final piece before my life changed forever. It didn’t last more than a day or two before it was painted over. It was ok I didn’t care anymore because I had better news 2 worry about now. I was going to be a dad🙂 everything was perfect,but life has different plans.

“Your good at what you do” “if you can draw you can tattoo” “you have potential” here they come again, crawling themselves back into my brain.

submitted by /u/PsychologicalLaw186
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Spring is here and this would be my final piece before my life changed forever. It didn’t last more than a day or two before it was painted over. It was ok I didn’t care anymore because I had better news 2 worry about now. I was going to be a dad🙂 everything was perfect,but life has different plans.

“Your good at what you do” “if you can draw you can tattoo” “you have potential” here they come again, crawling themselves back into my brain.

submitted by /u/PsychologicalLaw186
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