Hello! I had this idea of combining multiple street art pieces into one big project and wanted to see if some artists from the community will be interested in participating. Where would one find a community of street artists? I will be honest I don't know much about it but I'm loving the art we have in our cityđŸ€© so I wanted to share it with others in a meaningful creative way with Kickstarter project. Where would I find many artists in one spot?

submitted by /u/ezbizmoneylife
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Hello! I had this idea of combining multiple street art pieces into one big project and wanted to see if some artists from the community will be interested in participating. Where would one find a community of street artists? I will be honest I don't know much about it but I'm loving the art we have in our cityđŸ€© so I wanted to share it with others in a meaningful creative way with Kickstarter project. Where would I find many artists in one spot?

submitted by /u/ezbizmoneylife
[link] [comments]

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