So i went out the other day with a writer I look up to, but without cans – just paste ups.

We did a collabo piece where I put my design slightly over his to "merge" it together. He recorded it, while I put my stuff up and I asked him later (as I did notice when I was done that he captured me on vid) to send it to me. I watched it and my face was visible from an angle. But you could see that it was me.

So I told him to please delete it and also delete it from the chat. It disappeared from the chat. I asked him again some days later if he deleted it from his phone and he said yes. If I wanted I could check his phone, but I denied and told him that I trust him on that one.

He said that he used to do video stuff with a friend back in the days because one could build a nice video out of the footy.

But you never know. I was paranoid because he got arrested couple of times and his lawyer said that the cops might be at his the next few months. Is there any chance that they manage to restore and find the footage of me pasting up?

I don't really think that it matters anyway but who knows..

submitted by /u/weird_galaxy5
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So i went out the other day with a writer I look up to, but without cans – just paste ups.

We did a collabo piece where I put my design slightly over his to "merge" it together. He recorded it, while I put my stuff up and I asked him later (as I did notice when I was done that he captured me on vid) to send it to me. I watched it and my face was visible from an angle. But you could see that it was me.

So I told him to please delete it and also delete it from the chat. It disappeared from the chat. I asked him again some days later if he deleted it from his phone and he said yes. If I wanted I could check his phone, but I denied and told him that I trust him on that one.

He said that he used to do video stuff with a friend back in the days because one could build a nice video out of the footy.

But you never know. I was paranoid because he got arrested couple of times and his lawyer said that the cops might be at his the next few months. Is there any chance that they manage to restore and find the footage of me pasting up?

I don't really think that it matters anyway but who knows..

submitted by /u/weird_galaxy5
[link] [comments]

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