
I don't think I've ever posted on reddit in my life so bare with me.

Best friend's (25F) birthday is coming up and I (24M) can’t begin to explain our bong we’ve got to enjoy together. She was the first person I came out to and the person I trust with my life. We both separately moved to Atlanta in the last 5 years and have loved everything about the city. One of the best things in our opinion about the city is the EYES typically on the highway but in many different parts and areas. We love the artist. She swears the person that does the eyes has this super higher meaning about the eyes watching people in traffic almost like a They Live (1988) feeling. (Sorry I’m a film major) Anyway I’m making this post because earlier this year she made sure I had the most amazing birthday and I think adding this (to the rest of the gifts I have) as something that could make it monumental. So what am I asking for exactly? I’m hoping they or someone that knows them could ask for an original piece. THAT’S IT! I understand in this art practice anonymity is key. But if we could somehow arrange some type of pickup and drop off that would be ideal. I want my best friend to be able to see an eye every day in her apartment. (I didn’t realize how morbid that sounds but you know what I mean)

And if anyone ask why this way is because I have no other clue how to get into contact with that person and honestly it would be cool if you did because were going on a bar crawl the day before her birthday and taking shots with the artist somewhere does sound like fun but thats daydreaming lol. But all I know is that I think they go by #clops and no real online presence or anything. But like I said I get it so hopefully this works or even if her birthday is past lmk if we can arrange something.

I added some of the photos I took of them because if anyone knows me I'm quick to take a photo of something lol.

Again I’m new to this so I hope this is okay to post thanks again.

submitted by /u/LazyJelly1986
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