Bee themed mural on a van

Made for a Family festival in Olomouc, Czech republic. Authors @veru_ko and @dosydoss.

submitted by /u/Veru_KO
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We are yet real art

It's time to share the mural I was happily painting for about three weeks every night at the beautiful Wayra Office in Munich.

It's meant to reflect my subconscious impression of being a resident there for about four years now. I don't make any plans when creating art and let my subconscious mind take the steering wheel. There is a lot going on in this mural but yet it is not enough to capture the amazingness of this place and it's super talented residents.

I chose the name because some elitist gallery people said that this is not real art and that I’m not a real artist. Like wtf… and yea it’s an acronym for WAYRA.

Wall paint and markers, 6 x 2,5 meters

Technically this is not street art since it’s indoors but I think it suits this sub the best. Point me somewhere else otherwise ty.

What do you think?

submitted by /u/schiefewelt
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