Whimsical doodle

Don’t do a lot with spray paint so I still have a lot to learn but i enjoy doodling. More on -@hawthornhearts if u like <3

submitted by /u/paperdreamroll
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Hey fine folk. One of my good mates did an amazing mural on my old house I lived in, on the side wall. It was done in 2016, still exists untouched because it’s amazing.

With a very heavy heart, he passed last night. Would it be a dick move to add a small RIP MONS, to an area of the piece that doesn’t affect the main part at all?

I obviously want to respect his art, but also his life. This dude and I spent 60+ hours getting tattooed by one another over the years. Listening to countless records, shooting the shit about the most ridiculous topics you could ever think of. Everything is still so fresh to me. I’m thinking of going back to my old place now and popping it on, but don’t want to ruin his aesthetic and art

What would you do?

submitted by /u/EmergencyLavishness1
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