Could it be Banksy? My quest to find sincere answers

Alright, guys, here's my story:

Back in 2013, Copenhagen had a youth house called "The Candy Factory," which was evicted by the Municipality of Copenhagen (fun fact is i Think the production-Company of “exit through the giftshop” had the same name). It was a alternative place where young (18-30 ish) people could engage in alternative creative work, and also throw rave parties, among other activities. Over the years, there had been some rumors that Banksy might have visited the place. I was friends with some of the painters/graffiti artists at that time, and on the last day, when they were throwing out everything, I stumbled upon this double-sided stencil work on cardboard in a storage room. I asked if I could take it home instead of it being thrown out, and since nobody knew who made it, I was allowed to just take it home.

I kind of forgot about it for 10 years, leaving it on a shelf, but three years ago, I started wondering if it, in all its craziness, could be a genuine Banksy. I reached out to Pest Control, but they wrote back that: "This is not by Banksy." In the meantime, though, I was told they would never verify work that was not made for sale - so if it was a Banksy, they probably wouldn't tell.

I think there's some very interesting "don't look up"/nobody notices/"man with an apple" symbolism in the painting, and something about the shadows that were made makes me intrigued (compared to the work he did in that time period), but I have also made peace with the possibility that I probably will never find out for sure.

So, I just wanted to reach out to get some answers and opinions. What do you guys say: Is this interesting or is it just a wild goose chase?

submitted by /u/Quiet-Recover8957
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