Lorito de los nevados

Nuevo cartel en cali Colombia

mundoletop #streetart #pasteup #bombacartel #posterbomb

submitted by /u/Mundoletop
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Hello, fellow art lovers

Do YOU have any issues with keeping track of which paint/can colors you have left, or have many? Do you want to create color palettes with the colors you actually have?

I have a small development team behind me, who are currently working on validating the idea. The function of the app is to store all of your paint/can colors in a virtual space. The app will also have more functionality like a color recognition camera, where you can take a picture of a piece and see which colors there have been used. This is just one of the many features we have planned for the app.

We want to validate the idea, by asking you guys if there is any use for this application. Please comment on this post or DM me with your opinion on this matter.

Thank you in advance!

submitted by /u/ExternalKwatty
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