Hi everyone! I opened Reddit just to ask this question. I have made Wheatpaste before but I have never made my own glue, The city I live in is extremely humid and rainy so I went for a more durable glue (in my limited understanding) I used a vinylic glue for wallpaper, It holds perfectly, the poster that I pasted it has lasted like a year.

Now, the problem is that it is expensive! This time I want to paste a lot of posters, I am talking about 5 illustrations of 6.5 fts x 5 fts (2m x 1.5m approx) and many more small ones. Do you think a flour-based glue could hold the paper for a good amount of time? If not, do you have any ideas on what could I use?

I'm planning to make something with water, white glue, acrylic medium, and god knows what else. The thing is that these posters are a response to a horrible reform of a law that the government of my country is trying to make so I don't have time to test a new recipe for glue, I need to glue them on 5 days tops.

Thanks for everything, guys. Hope I did this post the right way.

submitted by /u/Empanada_Monster
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