2 years ago, 40'

This was my first time using a lift. The rental company dropped it off early. No instructions. I watched a YouTube video for the basics and, didn't destroy any cars or buildings.

submitted by /u/the1ulove
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Hey there!

On behalf of WXLLSPACE, we are excited to present this survey, which aims to gain a deeper understanding of your perceptions and appreciation of street art and murals in our city. As residents and daily observers, your opinions are incredibly valuable to us.

The primary objective of this survey is to explore how you feel about the murals and street art within your neighborhoods and the significant impact they have on your overall city and neighborhood experience.

In case you're not familiar with us, WXLLSPACE is a platform that connects artists and real estate developers, fostering creative placemaking and community development.

Your invaluable feedback will serve as a guiding force for artists, city planners, and local organizations, empowering them to enrich our city's public spaces and actively engage the community through captivating mural and street art projects.

This survey will only take approximately 1-3 minutes of your valuable time, and rest assured, all your responses will be treated with strict confidentiality.

Thank you very much in advance. We look forward to building with you.


submitted by /u/WXLLSPACE
[link] [comments]

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