Hey everyone,

I wanted to share a recent interview I did with Conrad Benner, the founder of StreetsDept.com, a photo-blog that documents and celebrates street art and muralism in Philadelphia. Conrad is a Fishtown-native and an influential photo-blogger, curator, and podcaster in the city, and his work delves into the world of art, public space, and the creative minds that shape it.

Additionally, In this episode of The Truth In This Art Beyond : Philadelphia, I also interviewed Chad Eric Smith, Director of Communications and Brand Management at Mural Arts Philadelphia, an award-winning character actor, musician, and filmmaker with non-profit experience in higher education advocacy, and restorative justice, and they discuss his filmmaking, non-profit consulting, Mural Arts Philadelphia and much more. Link: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/interview-with-chad-eric-smith-of-muralarts-philly/id1497950772?i=1000595579313

In Philadelphia, every wall is a potential blank canvas, and stunning murals adorn building exteriors all over the city. Begun in 1984 to help eradicate graffiti, Mural Arts Philadelphia enables professional artists and young Philadelphians to showcase their artistic talent in a constructive way. To date, Mural Arts Philadelphia has produced more than 4,000 murals. Interested visitors can view several of these works on a variety of walking and trolley tours.

Street art is a powerful form of expression that can enliven public spaces and bring communities together. In my interview with Conrad, we discuss his journey as a street art documentarian, the impact street art has on communities, and the current state of street art in Philadelphia.

If you're interested in learning more about street art and muralism in Philadelphia, be sure to check out Conrad's photo-blog, StreetsDept.com, and follow him on social media for updates on the latest street art projects and events happening in the city. And don't forget to check out my interviews with Conrad Benner and Chad Eric Smith on Apple Podcasts.

Let me know what you think in the comments!

submitted by /u/ImprovementIll3062
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