I had this discussion with some friends many times, I feel many of the works done today, are simply "conventional" art, but displayed on the street as a mural or similar. Most are portraits of girls, maybe the artists' girlfriend or whatever, and imo have no connection with the urbanism, well, you can say people are part of the urban environment, but that's not really the issue.
Many cats will come with their projectors and line trace everything beforehand. I don't know, I feel like nowadays if Picasso displayed his pieces in an alley, it would be called street art. For me, street art is about communicating with and through urban channels and languages, for an example those artists that make sculptures with trash amd stuff like that, graffiti, tagging, it's about the urban culture. And when I see more conventional art like those portraits, that honestly, carry no meaning or message/critique, just a beautiful face and a traditional technique, I call it Art on the Street.
Do y'all think there is a difference or not?
Read more: Is there a difference between Street Art and Art Displayed on the Street?