Canvas dropping: A brand new form of street art made by me.

I have been looking for ways to do street art easily and legally, and I just had my most interesting idea. I’ll call it “canvas dropping”, where you put your art or messages on a canvas and then put it out for display in a public area for people to see.

This will be another one of those gray areas in street art legality, as it can’t be labeled as graffiti because it does not vandalize anything. Some may call it littering or illegal dumping, but most people will know that they are meant to be signs or artworks just by looking at them. And they can be quickly placed there and left, just like slap stickers.

As graffiti and street art are meant to be temporary, the same applies to pieces like these. When left outside a canvas will be able to stay there until someone takes it with them or throws it away.

They can be used for many purposes, such as decor for a city street, to spread a message, a means of peaceful protest, or to leave as a gift for a pedestrian who would like to take it with them.

The images are of four artworks I made myself. The second and third were placed as protest pieces, one outside Disneyland and the next in Hollywood. The first and last pic are the pieces I placed in my town and in another town nearby. I plan on placing many more in the many different places I go to soon.

My biggest inspiration for this is the Kindness Rocks Project, where people leave painted rocks in public areas for others to see.

Anyone who is interested in doing this, feel free to make your own. You are also free to deviate from a canvas, like if you want to make a small statue to place outside, then you can do that as well, I would just alternatively call it by the name “art dropping”.

May everyone stay creative and continue to come up with new ideas!

submitted by /u/Flat_Struggle9794
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